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High Quality Universal Tensile Testing Machine

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Universal tensile testing machine

Universal tensile testing machine

Product Description APPLICATION DW1210 Universal tensile testing machineis used to carry out the tensile strength test, trhání test pevnosti, Zkouška odolnosti proti proražení, zkouška tahem na klouby / švy a testu pevnosti adheze, atd., Na geosynthetics nebo produkty geosynthetic souvisejících. RELATED STANDARDS STANDARDS ISO 10319 ASTM D4595 ASTM D4833 ISO 9073.4 ASTM D4533 ASTM D4884 ISO 12236 ASTM D6241 ISO 10321 ASTM D3787 …

China Factory Digital servo electronic universal testing machine

China Factory Digital servo electronic universal testing machine

China Factory Digital servo electronic universal testing machine Introduction This universal testing machine for all kinds of metal materials, non-metallic materials and geotextile fabrics, steel-plastic geogrid, plastic grille and other materials, the tensile, ohýbání, stříhat, tear Crack, top broken, punctured, peeling test. It can save automatically and manually after test, calculate the max. hodnota síly, horní a dolní mez kluzu, …