-Testis universae Machina, Testis impulsum Machina-

HDT/Vicat Tester

» HDT/Vicat Tester

  • Computatrum temptationis temperatus imperium machina fortitudinem mollitus Philippe Vicat deformatio calor HDT

    HDT/Vicat Tester , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    HDT/Vicat Tester,vicat softening test,vicat softening temperature tester,Philippe Vicat punctum emollitio TEGES,Philippe Vicat fortitudinem mollitus ut probaret machina,Philippe Vicat temperatus diminutiva & claudicatio calor tentationis machina,Philippe Vicat Hdt tentationis machina,



    • depictio producti
    • application
    • Features
    • Latin

    Computatrum temptationis temperatus imperium machina fortitudinem mollitus Philippe Vicat deformatio calor HDT

    • Morbi technica
    Imperium temperatus range
    Locus temperatus ~ 300 ° F
    Errorem maximum temperatus
    ± 0.5 ° C (50 gradus caloris rate) ± I ° F (120 gradus caloris rate)
    heating rate
    50℃ / h,120℃ / h
    Temperatus mensurae punctum
    Multis test quatit
    4 pieces
    Deformatio range measurement
    -0.1~ 10mm
    Errorem maximum deformatio
    ± 0.01mm
    Sample auxilio spatium
    per media
    Yl silicone oleum, aut oleum TRANSFIGURATOR
    Refrigerant modum
    Naturalis refrigerationem super CL ° F, naturalis refrigerationem aqua frigida sub CL F
    In sample est possessor automatice attollitur et deprimitur, et expansion scelerisque possessor sit coëfficientem sample <0.005/100° F (quae directe in eventus experimentum)

    HDT Vicat softening temperature Testing Machine is mainly used for the determination of heat distortion temperature and Vicat softening point temperature of non-metallic materials such as plastic, hard rubber, nylon, electrica insulating materiae, long fiber reinforced composite materials, high strength thermosetting laminates. It is easy to operate and precise in control. It is a highly intelligent test instrument widely used in colleges and universities, research institutes and product quality supervision and inspection units.

    Multiple security protection:
    Mechanical temperature upper limit protection switch, software temperature upper limit protection, to ensure safe and stable operation of the test.
    High-precision measurement and control system:
    The high-performance temperature sensor and the advanced capacitive-type digital display dialimeter are used to accurately measure the small changes of the sample. The advanced PID algorithm and the all-optical isolation phase-modulation module are used for temperature control to ensure that the heating rate error is less than 0.5 ° F.
    ISO ISO 2507 Thermoplastics pipes and fittings- Vicat softening temperature - Part1: General test method
    ISO ISO 75 plastics - Determination of temperature of deflection under load
    ISO ISO 306 Plastics-Thermoplastic materials - Determination of Vicat Softening Temperature (VST)
    ASTMD 1525 Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics
    ASTMD 648 Standard Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load in The Edgewise Position

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