-Testis universae Machina, Testis impulsum Machina-

VICAT molliens temperatus Tester

» VICAT molliens temperatus Tester

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    • Features
    • Test software

    AUTOMATED HDT & Philippe Vicat TEGIMENTUM est maxime usus ad deformationem Philippe Vicat temperatus et in test tubulis horniness tibiae resonabit et materiae. Digitally est tardus genus regeret automatic test apparatu Philippe Vicat et Deflection Temperature, potest simul temptandi specimina ad sex. In standard, est conformis ISO75, ISO306, ASTM D648, ASTM D1525.

    Maximum Temperature Softening Philippe Vicat Deflection et cubits de TEGUMENTUM:

    temperatus range: -300 ℃ locus temperatus
    Calefac rate: 120℃ / h (XII ℃ ± I / 6min) L ℃ / h (± 0.5 ℃ V / 6min) Max. temperatus error:± 0.5 ℃
    Measurement range deformationis :0~ 10mm Carolus deformatio errore mensurae:± 0.01mm
    Numbers ueram et adscendens:3 uel 4 uel 6 Summa exempla diversa pondera: 71 g
    heating medium: yl oleum vel media ordinata signa Silicon(praebet user sibi, nota: oportet quod medium mico punctum L ℃ superior quam temperatus in maxime test ).
    calefactivam: 3kW.
    frigore modus: aqua(infra CL ℃), ventum frigefaciendo sentiunt (super CL ℃) (Disputatio arma pararet se refrigerantia );
    potentia copia: 220V X% ± 10A 50Hz.
    sensorem obsessio: digital indicator.
    Temperatus sit evolvimus: Cum pervenire amet tortor tortor evolvimus, et prohibere automatically moderari temperatus heating .
    LCD screen.
    Vos possidebitis munus quod in ipso calore claudicatio record caliditas ,Sonitus terroris Vicat siccus et mollitis.
    Cum aurae refrigerationem munus implendum pollutio lampblack
    Auto elevatio manuum ratio.

    exempla monstrabit, genus Statio Sample
    RV 300A- Mensa 3
    Gloria-300C Mensa 4
    Gloria-300D vertical 4
    Gloria, 300f vertical 6

    Omnes exempla monstrabit esse PC imperium, et exempla monstrabit, convertere ad RV, 300AW, Gloria-300CW, Gloria-300DW, Gloria-300FW.

    ISO2507, ISO75, ISO306, ASTM D648, ASTM D1525.GB/T 8802, GB / T 1633, GB / T 1634

    • HDT and VICAT test can be conducted at the same time.
    • Switzerland made high precision micrometer provides high accurate displacement measurement with high stability.
    • Up to six test stations, maximally up to six deformation transducers, and one temperature transducer.
    • All test stations are motor-driven, raised from the bath by the touch of a button on the control panel, allowing easy placement of the test specimen.
    • Water cooling and nature cooling are available.
    • Professional test software with friendly interface, facile ad operari.
    • Once the software is started, the test is completely automatic and is performed according to the user-defined program. Upon test completion, it will automatically cool the bath to the starting temperature in preparation for subsequent tests. Using tap water, the temperature of the silicon oil can be reduced from a maximum of 300°C to 20°C.
    • Friendly and easy operation interface
    • Test resume function when a sudden shutdown happens
    • Powerful monitor function on test curve
    • Test curve can be real-time zoomed in
    • Multi-station test curves can be generated on a single report
    • Test report can be printed out
    • Test report can be exported to EXCEL for review and print

    forma inquisitionis (ASAP erimus ad vos redire)


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    5 + 6 = ?

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