-Testis universae Machina, Testis impulsum Machina-

requiesque curarum accentus tentationis machina

» requiesque curarum accentus tentationis machina

  • 500Imperium Microcomputer recla KN, Tensile Suspendisse Lorem Otto Machina

    requiesque curarum accentus tentationis machina , , , ,

    Hoc productum in morem signa et testimonia GB / T 10120-1996, ASTM E328-2008.

    • depictio producti
    • Features
    • Signa
    • Product Expansion

    500Imperium Microcomputer recla KN, Tensile Suspendisse Lorem Otto Machina / rus robustum accentus


    • Et microchip regi laxamenti tentationis machina distrahentes accentus sit maxime disposito inspicere per quietem facienda et exhibenda accentus ferro filum, virga atque in litore, proprium comprehendo via agri, pontem, constructione, qualis imperium department, department investigationis scientia, cudendum ferrum etc..
    • Hoc productum features magis stabilis onerat, controls precise, voce humili gradu, et diu terminus stabilitatem. AEC per equalia, ducens ad id aemulatur summus perficientur M Controller, probatio rerum apparatus instructus alto solet finem. Quod mechanica modularis differentialis pioneered Test Live components adiutricem navant operam ad computatrum temptationis curare stabilitate software, et certa fides tota.
    • Hoc productum in morem signa et testimonia GB / T 10120-1996, ASTM E328-2008.

    Cubits technical:



    Onus range measurement

    10~ 500kN

    Onus measurement accuracy

    ± 0.5%

    onus senatus

    ± I / Carolus ex facultatem (D), nullam gradientis, nihil se mutare in magnitudine

    Subeunt onus transducer

    ≤0.03% F.S.

    Temperatus effectus in anima trahitur onus transducer

    ≤0.03% F.S. / X ℃

    Deformatio range measurement

    0~ X mm

    Deformatio measurement accuracy

    ± 0.5%

    Measurement tenaci obsessio accuracy

    ± 0.5%

    Tenaci celeritate temperatio range

    0.0160mm ~ / min

    Velocitate accurate tenaci

    ± 0.5%

    Celeritate temperatio range loading

    0.01%~ 2.5% F.S. / s

    Velocitate accurate moderante loading

    ± 0.5%

    Resolutio temperatus mensurae

    0.1 ℃

    Temperatus mensurae accuracy

    0.3 ℃(-20℃ ~ LXXX ℃),± 0.5 ℃(-40℃ ~ -20 ℃ / LXXX ℃ ~ CX ℃)

    Verum distrahentes itinerantur

    100 mm

    test spatium

    Max spatium inter sinistram / ius tenaci: 2450 mm

    Specimen Literarium dimensionibus

    Ora pro ferro Annuli Diametrum,: 12.7 mm, 15.4 mm, longitudo ≥ 3.2 m

    Diametro PC pro ferro virga: φ4mm ~ φ16mm, longitudo ≥ 3.2 m

    dimensionibus frame

    (2500DXL × × MLV)mm

    potentia copia

    1.5KW / AC380V / 50Hz


    Nullam dolor. 2400 kg

    • Algorithm to predict specimen’s stress relaxation performance after 1000 horis (or any specified value in hours), with the option of single or double logarithm. Capable of predicting with standard specimen data or real-time collected data (Suggested). Integrated with an extensive specimen library to improve the precision and reliability of testing results.
    • Splitting the sampling stage into four sub-stages and applies different sampling cycles in consideration of the logarithm characteristic of time, improving the reliability of data greatly.
    • Support for 100-hour tests. Test time can be assigned at will. E.g. 24-hour test.
    • Automatically retrieves test data and inspects the stress relaxation performance of the specimen. (e.g. stress relaxation rate, relaxed stress, relaxation rate, etc.)
    • Closed loop control of channels such as load, obsessio, deformatio, etc.. Smooth switching in between.
    • As many as 20 layers of sensor linear compensation, elevates the precision of the instruments to the next level.
    • Comparing a framed structure with a column-based structure, the framed structure has better stiffness that is over 2.5 times greater than the column-based structure.
    • Closed test space design reduces the temperature shift resulted from the air flow at the air-conditioner vent, improves the temperature uniformity and stability in the test space.
    • Pre-installed with reaction frame, provides more convenience for the load transducer to calibrate.
    • Real-time drawing of curves of remaining load with time, or temperature with time.
    • Integrated with high performance load transducers and AC excitation solutions, eliminating the impact of shift of the measurement system on the accuracy of data.
    • The measurement and control system is capable of backing up the transducer’s calibration data, improving the system’s maintenance reliability.
    • Dynamic display of load, obsessio, deformation and real-time testing curve on the screen.
    • Support saving, instant retrieving and inspection of testing results.
    • Capable of re-analyzing test data and curves, and partial zooming of testing curves at will.
    • Open testing report, support custom testing template, automatic generation of testing report, which can be printed, previewed or saved as files.
    • Support Excel report templates and customized editing of test reports.
    • Integrated with travel limit protection and full scale overload protection.
    • Features a large test space that satisfies both GB requirements (longer than 60 times the specimen’s diameter), as well as American and European requirements (not less than 2.4 meters).
    →ISO 15630-3 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete-Test methods--Part 3:Prestressing ferro
    →ISO6934-3 Steel for prestressing of concrete-Part3:Quenched and tempered wire
    →ISO 6934-4 Steel for prestressing of concrete-Part4:tangentia litus
    →ISO 14655 Epoxy-coated strand for the prestressing of concrete
    →EN 10391 Metallic materials-Tensile stress relaxation-Part1:Test procedure
    →ASTM E328-2013 Standard Test Methods for Stress Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures
    →ASTM A416/A416M-2012a Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prestressed Concrete
    →ASTM E328-2008
    →ASTM A882/A882M-2004 Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand
    →BS 5896-2012 High tensile steel wire and strand for the prestressing of concrete
    →JIS G3536 Steel wires and strands for prestressed concrete
    →JIS G3137 Small diameter steel bars for prestressed concrete
    →JIS Z2276-2012 Method of tensile stress relaxation test for metallic materials
    →AS NZS 4672.2 Steel prestressing materials-Testing requirements

    1000kN Stress Relaxation Testing Machine (1000 Hours)

    →≥1000h 1000 hours Metallic materials Tensile stress Relaxation Test
    →≥1000h 1000 hours Steel strand Relaxation Test
    →≥1000h 1000 hours Steel wires and bars Relaxation Test
    →1000kN Computer Control Steel strand Stress Relaxation Testing Machine(CE CUL/CSA)
    →1000kN Computer Control Steel Bars Stress Relaxation Testing Machine(CE CUL/CSA)

    300SR/500SR/600SR/1000SR Steel wires and bars High temperature Stress Relaxation Testing Machine(CE CUL/CSA)

    300kN/500kN/600kN/1000kN Steel strand Stress Corrosion Relaxation Testing Machine(CE CUL/CSA

    300kN/500kN/600kN/1000kN Steel wires and bars Stress Corrosion Relaxation Testing Machine(CE CUL/CSA)

    forma inquisitionis (ASAP erimus ad vos redire)


    sunt comprobatio:
    2 + 4 = ?

    Maybe etiam tibi