eriyik akış indeksi test cihazı
1. Ürün tanıtımı:
Erime indeksi ölçer, GB/T3682-2000'in standart gereksinimlerini karşılar. Erime indeksi ölçerin ana parametreleri aynı zamanda ISO1133-97 gerekliliklerini de karşılar, ASTM1238, JIS ve diğer standartlar. Polietilen için kullanılabilir, polipropilen, polisitren, ABS, poly Measure the melt mass flow rate (MFR) veya eriyik hacim akış hızı (MVR) of various plastic materials such as amide, fiber reçine, acrylic ester, polioksimetilen, floroplastikler, polikarbonat, vb., widely used in plastic production , Plastic products, petrochemical industries and related colleges, research institutes and commodity inspection departments.
2. Ürün Özellikleri:
High-precision Chinese and English color controllers, specially customized membrane buttons, have unparalleled advantages in control accuracy and service life
The manual and automatic cutting are integrated control, accurate to 0.1s, and the cutting time and cutting times can be set arbitrarily.
3. Test metodu: mass method, hacim yöntemi (MFR, MVE)
4. Ekran modu: 4.3 color touch screen display
5. Ana teknik parametreler:
Sıcaklık aralığı: 0℃-450℃
Sıcaklık dalgalanması: ±0,2°C
Temperature uniformity: ± 1 ℃
Sıcaklık görüntüleme çözünürlüğü: 0.1℃
Time display resolution: 0.1S
Die diameter: Φ2,095±0,005mm
The length of the discharge port: 8.000±0,025 mm
The diameter of the charging cylinder: Φ9,550±0,025mm
Weight accuracy: 0.5 ±%
Deplasman ölçüm doğruluğu: 0.01aa
Volume method timing accuracy: 0.001S
Displacement measurement encoder: Omron photoelectric rotary encoder
Quality method test range: 0.1-150gr / 10 dak
Volume method test range: 50-5000cm³/10min
Output mode: micro automatic printout
Kesme yöntemi: manual and automatic cutting in one
deney yükü: a full set of eight-level weights
Power supply voltage: AC220V± 50HZ