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300J Microcomputer controlled charpy pendulum impact testing machine/impact tester price

Mayıs ayı 14, 2019

300J Microcomputer controlled charpy pendulum impact testing machine is used to measure the resistance of metal materials under dynamic load to determine the properties of materials under dynamic load.The absorption work of the sample is obtained by means of the difference of the residual potential energy of the swing hammer before and after the impact.The maximum impact energy is 300J, with a 150J swing hammer, and the sample section is (10 x 10) mm.The machine has a large impact energy and is suitable for ferrous metals with strong impact toughness, such as steel and alloy.

Ana Teknik Özellikleri

1 Darbe enerjisi 300J 450J 600J 750J
2 Darbe hızı 5.24MS.
3 açı sarkaç 150 °
4 Örnek destek aralığı 40aa.
5 Round Angle of support clamps R1.0 ~ 1.5mm.
6 Impact blade rounded Angle R2.0 ~ 2.5mm.
7 Pendulum center to impact point distance 750aa.
8 Support surface Angle of sample support 11°
9 Impact blade Angle 30°
10 Impact blade thickness 16aa.
11 Angle measuring range 0-360 °
12 Standart numune boyutu 10 x 10 * 55aa.
13 Power and power 380V 50Hz
14 Açı hassasiyeti ±0.1 °
15 Main engine size

2124 * 600 * 1340aa.

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